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Content below not updated since January 2013
Committee Reports for 2011-2012: Membership
Noise Ordinance Revision: The Arlington County Board will be considering a request to advertise the proposed revision to the Noise Ordinance (see staff report with the proposed ordinance changes) at their December meeting. Arlington County staff is holding public meetings on the proposed revision and we encourage you to attend the following meeting if you are able:
Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012 Shirlington Library, 4200 Campbell Street -- 7 p.m. to 9 p.m (meeting flyer).
Additional relevant information for delegates: Civic Federation Letter to the County Board on Noise Ordinance Deferral; Noise Ordinance Questionsand Comments; County Staff Responses to Civic Federation Noise Ordinance Revision Questions; Noise Ordinance Revisions as of 11-12-2012. The ACCF Planning and Zoning Committee has prepared a Noise Ordinance Resolution that will be presented at the November 13 meeting. The Arlington County website summarizes its current work on the Noise Ordinance.
Special Events Insurance Requirements: Many Federation delegates have raised concerns regarding Special Event Insurance and the Executive Committee has looked into this issue. Executive Committee Chair, Jim Lantelme, and President James Schroll met with County Staff about this issue and can provide some clarification regarding when community organizations need to obtain Special Event Insurance. See Special Events Insurance Requirements which explains the instances in which organizations would need to obtain insurance to cover their proposed event. Additionally, SpecEvents Checklist provides guidelines which will help you identify many of the basic requirements for your event.
Planning and Zoning: The ACCF Planning and Zoning Committee presented an interim report on Neighborhood Edge Re-Development (see handout) at the March 1 ACCF Membership meeting. Additional materials related to specific civic associations are available in a Public Folder.
Information is also available on changes to parking on narrow streets and background to the withdrawn resolution (see February 1 minutes) on community benefit. For further information please contact co-chairs, Martha Moore and Larry Mayer.
Scheduled meetings for 2012-2013 are listed on the Calendar page.
January 8: The January newsletter, the Civic Voice outlines a program on Metro Transit, with a specific focus on Metro�s Momentum Strategic Framework. A representative from Washington Area Metropolitan Area Transit Authority will be our guest, in addition to a staffer from the Department of Environmental member to provide
Arlington County perspective. Background information on Metro's Momentum Strategic Plan is available. Unfinished business is a vote on a revised Resolution on LEAP Energy Efficiency Initiative�As a Model Program for the State of Virginia
Location: The monthly Arlington County Civic Federation meetings are held at the Virginia Hospital Center, Hazel Auditorium, 1701 N. George Mason Drive - use Gold parking. Here is a map to help get you there, and here is the link to ART bus routes 51 and 52 that serve the hospital from Ballston metro.
December 4: The December newsletter, the Civic Voice announces that Arlington County School Superintendent Patrick Murphy will be the guest for a one-hour program. PLEASE NOTE: Consideration of the Resolution Regarding Proposed Revisions to Chapter 15 of the Arlington County Code ("Noise Ordinance") - that is included in the distributed December newsletter - is being deferred until a future meeting pending additional meetings with staff.
Executive Committee Chair: James Lantelme
The Executive Committee will meet on January 13, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room, 4805 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203 (Fire Station #2 � Ballston. Program options for future membership meetings will be discussed. Contact members of the Executive Committee for more information.
See Announcements above for information about insurance requirements for community events.
Scheduled meetings, usually on the second Monday, September through June, are listed on the Calendar page. In 2011-2012 most executive committee meetings are scheduled for 4805 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22203 (Fire Station #2 � Ballston.
2011-2012 Summary:
For these notices for earlier years please go to archive on the "About ACCF" page.
November 13: The November newsletter, the Civic Voice outlines the November meeting program on disaster preparedness. Topic areas include mitigation actions that can/should be taken in advance, emergency communications (personal phone, cell and internet, 911, and public alerts and warnings), home continuity including water, food (refrigeration, cooking), lighting, medical, heating and cooling. In addition to the specific areas for individual preparedness, the program will focus on expectations for what can/cannot be addressed and potential roles for neighborhoods, civic associations and other civic organizations.
NOTE: follow links for full presentations. Program presenters were be Jack Brown, OEM Director, Arlington County; Deborah Tompkins Johnson Manager-Regional State and Local Affairs, Dominion Power; Tony Savage, Operations Manager, Dominion Power; and Doug Brammer, Manager of Government Affairs at Verizon (additional information on FIOS battery backup-1, additional information on FIOS battery backup-2.
October 2: The October newsletter, the Civic Voice features a program on each of the four bond referenda that will appear on November ballot, as summarized in a report from the Revenues and Expenditures Committee. There will be a 10 minute summary of each bond. After the overview, there will be pro and con speakers for each bond, each of whom will be allowed to make brief, 2-minute statements. Following the conclusion of all the presentations there will be approximately 5 minutes for the consideration of each bond, which will be styled as an up or down vote on support for each of the four bonds (e.g. �The Federation votes to support the $31.95 million Metro and transportation bond.�).
The Arlington County Board approved four bond referendum questions to appear on the November ballot:
1. Metro and Transportation - $31.95 million;
2. Local Parks and Recreation - $50.55 million;
3. Community Infrastructure - $28.31 million;
4. Arlington Public Schools - $42.62 million. For more information on the aforementioned bonds, please click the following link: click this link.
Additionally, there will be a short presentation on the proposed constitutional amendment to the Virginia Constitution on eminent domain which will be before the voters this fall.
Lastly, the resolution introduced by Jim Pebley on the "Regarding Proposed Changes to the County Ordinances Affecting Agriculture" at the May meeting had been postponed from the June to the October meeting for consideration. Mr. Pebley will be making a motion at the October meeting to continue the consideration of this matter till the January meeting. The Planning and Zoning Committee does not oppose Mr. Pebley's motion for a continuance. The school bond resolution brought forward by the ACCF Schools Committee will also be voted on.
September 4: The September newsletter, the Civic Voice announces the annual Candidates' Night schedule. Two school bond resolutions are also available: one is postponed from the June meeting and the other has been reported out of the ACCF Schools Committee.
County Fair? The Arlington County Civic Federation will not have a booth at the annual Arlington County Fair in 2012.
June 5: The June newsletter, the Civic Voice announces the slate of officers for 2012-2013 that will be elected at the June meeting. It also presents information on two programs for the federation's May membership meeting: the County's proposed Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) plan and a Planning and Zoning update on the County's sign ordinance. Two new resolutions will be presented to the delegates: one on Long Bridge Park and one on school bonds brought by the Glencarlyn Citizen's Association.

Martha Moore and Larry Mayer, co-chairs, ACCF Planning and Zoning Committee, lead discussion of potential changes in the sign ordinance |
• Minutes - Draft
• New and readmitted members: Black Oak Cluster Community Association and Madison Manor Citizens Association
• Presentation: Arlington County CIP
• Proposed Resolution: Livestock and Poultry in Single-Family Residential Districts - delayed to Fall for consideration
•Resolution: Long Bridge Park - adopted 25 � 6 - 0
•Resolution: School Bonds - action deferred to September, 2012
• 2012-2013 Officers Elected: President James Schroll (Ballston-Virginia Square); Vice President Kim Klingler (Leeway Overlee); Secretary Amy Levin (Aurora Highlands); Treasurer Peter Olivere (Glencarlyn). Executive Committee: Burt Bostwick (Old Glebe); James Lantelme (Lyon Village); Mike McMenamin (Maywood); Terri Prell (North Rosslyn); Vacant (to be filled in the Fall).
May 1: The May newsletter, the Civic Voice details 3 programs for the federation's May membership meeting: Columbia Pike Land Use and Housing Study; services of the County Commission on Aging; Arlington Villages Project. One resolutions will come before the delegates: Proposed Resolution: Livestock and Poultry in Single-Family Residential Districts (see pro/con information sent to ANNE list)

Larry Mayer sets up presentation on Urban Agriculture for Ed Fendley, Jim Pebley and Darnell Carpenter |
April 13, 2012: 96th Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony
The Civic Federation Annual Banquet was held on Friday, April 13. See banquet program for details. The Honorable Mary Margaret Whipple was the banquet speaker.
Larry Finch awarded Sun Gazette Cup |
Scott McCaffrey, Larry Finch, James Schroll |
Certificates of Appreciation: Glenda Blake, Eileen Corbet, Judah Dal Cais, Chris Nixon
Nominating Committee: The ACCF Nominating was elected at the April meeting for elections at the June 5 ACCF Membership meeting. If you wish to make suggestions for officers or members of the executive committee, please contact Mark Antell, Jerry Auten, Larry Finch, Stan Karson or Jim Pebley.
April 3: The April newsletter, the Civic Voice invites delegates to participate in the annual analysis of the Arlington County budget, guided by the Revenues and Expenditures Committee's month of deliberations and the final report of the Revenues and Expenditures Committee and the Schools Committee on FY13 County budget. See page 15 for exact wording of budget resolution and separate resolution on the Artisphere. Delegate participation in the meeting will be governed, if adopted, by the Special Rule: that the Federation shall consider the recommendations of its Revenues and Expenditures Committee regarding the Arlington County budget as a whole, and after appropriate questions and discussion, shall vote to accept or reject the committee's recommended budget without amendment. Should the recommendations of the Revenues and Expenditures Committee be voted down as a whole, the recommendations will then be considered individually, with each section open for amendment, with a final vote to be taken on the report as amended. (Note: Motion required 2/3 vote of acceptance by the body to pass.)

Revenues and Expenditures Committee Chair Wayne Kubicki presents report on FY13 County Budget with Schools Committee representatives Anya Gan and John Vihstadt |
March 6: The March newsletter, the Civic Voice announces the annual visit with the Arlington County School Board. Two resolutions will come before the delegates: a request by the Arlington Ridge Civic Association (ARCA) to modify its boundary to
include the Forest Hills Community Association (FHCA) and Stormwater
The candidates for the County Board special election will participate in a candidate forum. Civic Federation delegates and alternate delegates may register to have their name drawn by signing up in the lobby at 7:00 p.m. Delegates and alternate delegates may register to ask a question for multiple panels. In order for more delegates and alternate delegates to have an opportunity to ask a question, the forum moderator will give first priority to delegates and alternate delegates who have not yet had a turn.
Lastly, there will be an Environmental Committee program on the County's energy efficiency plan. Mr. Richard Dooley, who leads the energy efficiency program for Arlington County, will give a report on the status of the plan including the exciting capabilities of district energy projects, energy signage for Arlington's buildings, and other aspects of the ambitious effort to make Arlington more energy efficient and cleaner as well. This program is 30 minutes in length and will not contain questions.

County Board Candidates Audrey Clement, Libby Garvey, and Mark Kelly prepare for County Board Special Election Forum |
You are invited to the Arlington County Civic Federation's 96th Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 13, 2012. The Honorable Mary Margaret Whipple will be featured as the speaker at the Arlington County Civic Federation's 96th Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 13, 2012. Ms. Whipple has served Arlington residents for over three decades including the School Board, the County Board and the last 16 years as Virginia Senate for the 31st District. She has graciously agreed to replace Mr Peter Katz, the former Director of Planning, who resigned from the County in early March. Invitations have been mailed to all delegates. If you did not receive one, or are not a member and would like to attend, this is a copy of the invitation in pdf format. If you have questions, contact Peter Olivere. Reservations must be made, with payment, no later than April 6, 2012. The banquet is being held at the Holiday Inn, Rosslyn, 1900 North Fort Myer Drive, Arlington, VA 22209.. Parking is available in the hotel garage.
February 7: The February newsletter, the Civic Voice announces the annual meeting with the County Board. Members of the Board will give brief presentation. After opening remarks, the moderator will ask Board Members several prepared questions which have been submitted by the chairs of the Federation�s committees. Following prepared questions, Federation delegates and alternate delegates may ask questions. Delegates are reminded that questions may be up to thirty seconds in length and may not be position statements. No follow up questions will be allowed. In the interest of time and fairness, member delegates may only ask one question.
February 7 Meeting Summary |
January 3: The January newsletter, the Civic Voice outlines the program: Peter Owen, a member delegate from the Clarendon-Court House Civic Association, will lead an informational program with invited guest speakers: Delegate Robert Brink; Delegate David Englin; Delegate Patrick Hope; Delegate Alfonso Lopez; Senator Adam Ebbin; Senator Barbara Favola, and Senator Janet Howell. The legislators will discuss Arlington neighborhood-focused issues and answer questions from Civic Federation member delegates. Member delegates may ask their question from the floor during the legislative delegation program or submit their question in writing in the lobby from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The forum moderator will pose the written questions to the legislators.
Neighborhood College: January 30, 2012 is the deadline for 2012 Neighborhood College applications. This free eight-week program is open to all Arlington residents, but the program particularly seeks recruits from the 11 neighborhood strategy areas: Buckingham; Columbia Heights West; Pike Village Center; Nauck; Arlington View; Long Branch Creek; Radnor/Fort Myer Heights; Barcroft; Lyon Park; Penrose; and Westover. For more information and an application go to the County website.
December 6: LOCATION: Back at Virginia Hospital Center, Hazel Auditorium . Here is a map to help get you there, and here is the link to ART bus routes 51 and 52 that serve the hospital from Ballston metro.
The December newsletter, the Civic Voice outlines the program: �The Business of Arlington�- Mr. Terry Holzheimer, who heads Arlington�s Office Of Economic Development, will discuss the challenges and opportunities for Arlington in taking advantage of its location next to the Nation�s Capital. This includes the construction and development sectors, transportation, retail, tourism, government contracting and finance. Also to be discussed will be the impact of BRAC, and the potential effect of the new Metro Silver Line. Arlington�s strong commercial sector has allowed it to keep taxes relatively modest, while meeting the public safety, educational and social needs of Arlington�s residents. Mr. Holzheimer will be joined on the program by Mr. Rich Doud, President of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce. Here's the presentation.
The Virginia Department of Transportation is conducting a multimodal long-range planning effort and which is designed to further the recommendations of the I-66 Transit/Transportation Demand Management Study, completed in 2009. The purpose of the study is to identify a range of multimodal and corridor management solutions (operational, transit, bike, pedestrian, and highway) that can be implemented to reduce highway and transit congestion and improve overall mobility in the I-66 corridor, between I-495 and the Theodore Roosevelt Bridge. Find out about this important study of I-66 inside the Beltway to identify a range of multimodal and corridor management solutions (operational, transit, bike, pedestrian and highway) to reduce highway and transit congestion and improve overall mobility within the I-66 corridor between the Capital Beltway and Theodore Roosevelt Bridge.
As part of this process, the Department is seeking public comment. We encourage you to attend the public comment meeting listed below. If you cannot attend, please send your comments to Susan Sharp.
Wednesday, Dec. 14, 2011, 6 � 8 p.m., Arlington County government offices, Board room, 2100 Clarendon Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201, Presentation begins at 6:30 p.m.
Additionally, please find more information in the following links:
I-66 multimodal study;
Moving Closer to Improving
Travel in the I-66 Corridor
November 1: NOTE ANOTHER NEW LOCATION: Swanson Middle School Auditorium (5800 N. Washington Boulevard) is the location for the November 1 Civic Federation membership meeting at 7:30 p.m. There is street parking available adjacent to the school. Route 2 buses serve Washington Boulevard from either Ballston or East Falls Church metro stations.
November 1 Meeting Summary: County Sign Ordinance |
The November newsletter, the Civic Voice outlines the program: flu preparedness and the proposed County sign ordinance. Additional information on the County's actions on the sign ordinance is available on the County website.
October 4: NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: The ACCF membership meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Washington-Lee High School (1301 N. Stafford Street) at 7:30 p.m. There is free parking on site in the adjacent, I-66 parking garage, located behind the school off of North Stafford Street. Additional parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to the School Board building (1426 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22207). Please enter the Washington-Lee High School from the North Stafford Street entrances.
It's Candidates Night, Part II. Delegates and alternate delegates may sign up to ask a question to candidates included in that night's candidate forum by registering in the lobby from 7:00pm until 7:45pm. Only questions submitted for the County Board forum will be accepted, as this is the only contested race. Candidate panels for the following races will appear on October 4: Arlington, Treasurer: Frank O'Leary (D); Arlington, Commissioner of the Revenue: Ingrid Morroy (D); Arlington, Sheriff: Beth Arthur (D); Arlington and Falls Church, Commonwealth's Attorney: Theo Stamos (D); Arlington, Virginia School Board: Abby Raphael (I); and Arlington County Board: Audrey Clement (G); Mary Hynes (D); Walter Tejada (D)
Following the Candidate Forum, the Federation will hear brief presentations from Civic Federation Committee Chairs regarding their committees. Delegates are encouraged to sign up for a committee if they have not already done so. Contact information for Civic Federation Committee Chairs is contained in the October newsletter. Additionally, committee sign-up sheets will be available at the October 4th meeting.
September 6: NOTE LOCATION CHANGE: The ACCF membership meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Washington-Lee High School (1301 N. Stafford Street) at 7:30 p.m., There are 3 parking areas: I-66 garage (enter from 15th Street or N. Stafford) with a walking path to the school and auditorium, parking lots near the APS administration building on N. Quincy, and on N. Stafford. The auditorium is located near the NW corner of the building on the Quincy Street side.
2011: Candidates Night, Part I
At Candidates Night, Part I - see details in the September newsletter - representatives from ACCF member organizations questioned candidates in panels for the following races: Virginia State Senate, 30th District; Virginia State Senate, 31st District; Virginia State Senate, 32nd District; Virginia House of Delegates, 45th District; Virginia House of Delegates, 47th District; Virginia House of Delegates, 48th District; and Virginia House of Delegates, 49th District.
Further coverage appears on ARLNow and on Clarendon-Courthouse-Rosslyn Patch (Hint: check all 6 related videos for responses to questions). All candidate panels were videoed by AIM. See the video at the following times: Wednesdays 11:30am & 9pm (until 9/28); Saturdays 11am (until 10/1); and Sundays 10:30pm - on Comcast-69 or Verizon-38. |
Environmental Affairs: See the ITAC Hearing on the Comcast Franchise Renewal. It will be repeated on Friday night, September 16, and Sunday night, September 18 at 7:00pm on Comcast Channel 74 and Verizon FIOS Channel 39.
2011: ArlingtonCounty Fair, August 11 - 14 - Civic Federation Booth:
By the end of the Arlington County Fair, the map had 1550 pins in various residences; most families only put in one pin per residence so we had a lot more than that visit the booth.
Thanks to Burt Bostwick, Portia Clark, Randy Swart, Frank Emerson, Terri Prell, Ann Rudd, Marcia MacDonald, Mary Cottrell, Jeanette Bean, Jim Pebley, Susan Zajac, Anya Gan, James Schroll, Larry Mayer, Larry Finch, Michael Beer and Peter Olivere for working the booth. They described the various civic asssociations and handed out a flyer with information about the Civic Federation, neighborhood associations and contact information. Peter Olivere handled making all of the arrangements in addition to working several shifts. |
For these notices for earlier years please go to archive directly or link through the "About ACCF" page.
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The archive page was last revised on: Jamuary 6, 2013 |